The secret to being slim: 3 products that Renee Zellweger gave up to lose weight after Bridget Jones’s Diary

We tell you how the actress managed to regain her slim figure (and how she maintains it now).

Throughout all three films, Bridget Jones suffered from the main complex – what she thought was excess weight. But if the heroine of the film was “overweight,” then the actress who played her, Renee Zellweger, was famous all her life for one of the slenderest figures in Hollywood.

For the sake of her legendary role, Rene had to introduce three products into her diet that she had never even considered before – pizza, milkshakes and chocolate . So this is not a harmless snack at all – for example, Renee gained a staggering 13 kilograms eating this way. But by the third film, the “simple” Bridget had noticeably lost weight, and after filming, Renee herself became even slimmer than she was before the films.

Three rules helped her with this:

  • Refusal of meat
  • Avoiding refined carbohydrates
  • Avoiding fried foods
The secret to being slim: 3 products that Renee Zellweger gave up to lose weight after Bridget Jones's Diary
Still from the movie “Bridget Jones’s Diary”

So, Rene’s diet consisted only of steamed fish, brown brown rice and vegetables. Plus, the actress worked out with a trainer for two hours a day and ran 4 km a day.

But even after filming, Renee Zellweger continues to maintain low weight with the help of three diets, which the actress alternates with each other.

First – Zone Diet

The idea is to consume 30% protein, 30% fat, and 30% carbohydrates . Carbohydrates must be complex – that is, do not contain white sugar and are slowly absorbed into the blood. Due to this, we maintain a feeling of fullness longer and do not clog the intestines. As for fats, they must also be correct. We’re not talking about steak in butter, but about olive oil, avocado and nuts. These are natural sources of fat that nourish the skin and minimize constipation.

Second – the Hamptons diet

Sarah Jessica Parker and Kate Hudson, undeniably slender actresses, use the same nutrition algorithm. Her main rule is to eat 6 small meals a day . Logic – this is how your stomach shrinks and you no longer want to have a heavy dinner or lunch. And, of course, the Hamptons diet has food restrictions. For example, all the same simple carbohydrates (milk chocolate, pastries, cakes, marmalade) are prohibited.

Секрет стройности: 3 продукта, от которых отказалась Рене Зеллвегер, чтобы похудеть после «Дневника Бриджит Джонс»
Renee Zellweger, 2020
Секрет стройности: 3 продукта, от которых отказалась Рене Зеллвегер, чтобы похудеть после «Дневника Бриджит Джонс»
Renee Zellweger, 2016

Third – Atkins diet

Cardiologist Robert Atkins has developed a nutrition system in which there is one main principle – the rejection of simple carbohydrates. All other foods are allowed, but only if they are minimally processed. Highly processed products are sausages, fast food, ice cream, energy drinks, chips.

In addition to diets, Rene has been working out in the gym all her life. According to the actress, this is what helps her maintain weight and also brings pleasure: “Wherever I am, at any stage of life, the gym is my common denominator. Am I moving to Los Angeles? I find my gym. Am I going to Santa Fe? I find my gym. In NYC? I’m finding my gym.”