Genetic lottery: 7 stars who have never been on a diet

Not all celebrities go on exhausting diets to maintain a beautiful figure.

Many girls look with envy at the chic forms of celebrities, not even suspecting that some of them do not exhaust themselves with strict diets. We’ve rounded up 7 stars who indulge in delicious food and still look amazing.

Selena Gomez

Genetic lottery: 7 stars who have never been on a diet

The singer underwent treatment for several years for lupus, an autoimmune disease, as a result of which she gained a lot of weight. Initially, Selena had a hard time dealing with negativity about her appearance, but she learned to deal with it. This “duel” with haters helped the singer write several beautiful songs, as well as love and accept her body. Now Selena Gomez advocates body positivity and encourages girls to love themselves.

Emma Stone

Genetic lottery: 7 stars who have never been on a diet

One of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood openly talks about the fact that she hates diets. The girl never strictly limited her diet. Pilates, walking and rock climbing along with classic gym classes help her maintain her figure in perfect condition. It’s all about being in harmony with your body and intuitive eating. Emma admits that she allows herself to eat something sweet or salty if she wants it.

Priyanka Chopra

Genetic lottery: 7 stars who have never been on a diet

The owner of a chic figure and “Miss World 2000” admits that she never denies herself anything. “I can eat anything at the table,” Priyanka said in an interview with Elle magazine. — Buffalo wings, pepperoni pizza, double cheeseburger, steak, steak and more steak! God gave me a good metabolism and I feel it is my duty to fuel it!” Priyanka is one of those who won the “genetic lottery”, being born with an accelerated metabolism. It is he who allows her to maintain her figure without visiting gyms and without denying delicious food.

Jennifer Lawrence

Genetic lottery: 7 stars who have never been on a diet

The Hunger Games star never sticks to strict diets, even for her role in the film. The girl loves to treat herself to fried cheese and other fast food. In an interview, Jennifer said that the mere mention of the word “diet” makes her angry. According to the actress, the idealized image of a woman is only harmful for young fragile minds, and in pursuit of a dream figure, girls starve themselves and can get an eating disorder. Jennifer believes that it is time for the media to stop promoting the image of the “ideal” body to the masses and talk more about self-love.

Kate Winslet

Genetic lottery: 7 stars who have never been on a diet

The actress is proud of her curvaceous figure and is not afraid to show it off in various looks. However, Kate shared that while growing up, she never met a woman who was happy with her appearance. The actress does not adhere to this position, but on the contrary loves her body and constantly improves herself. In 2017, when asked how to stop worrying about dieting, Kate replied: “I don’t know how much I weigh. I haven’t weighed myself in 12 years. I think this is the best advice!”.

The texture of the balm resembles whipped cream with the scent of orange blossom. After application, the skin becomes more elastic, soft and smooth without a greasy.

Megan Fox

Genetic lottery: 7 stars who have never been on a diet

Megan Fox is a sex symbol for millions of women and men. Looking at her photographs, it is difficult to imagine that she does not adhere to strict diets. Of course, Megan Fox carefully monitors her diet, but without strict restrictions. The girl prefers Japanese cuisine, avoids processed foods and allows herself several cups of coffee a week. The actress answers multiple questions from journalists about the secrets of her diet in the same way: Megan claims that she manages to maintain a beautiful figure thanks to her fast metabolism.

Salma Hayek

Genetic lottery: 7 stars who have never been on a diet

It’s hard to believe that the Mexican actress is 57 years old – she looks amazing. Salma Hayek also does not adhere to strict diets and allows herself fatty foods. The actress admits that she cannot stay on a diet for long, since food is her greatest weakness. One of the secrets of Salma’s chic figure is a healthy and active lifestyle. Even simple walking and running can do unimaginable things to your body