Anti-aging makeup at 40, 50 and 60 years old: the main techniques that definitely need to be repeated

Each age has its own beauty and its own make-up techniques that allow you to look younger. Our material contains the best tips for anti-aging makeup at 40, 50 and 60 years old.

Anti-aging makeup cannot erase wrinkles, but it can help you visually take off 10 years of age. The main thing to remember is the correct placement of accents and selection of shades. To cope with this task with a bang, it is important to clearly understand what signs make you older and highlight your shortcomings. Together with beauty expert, Lucky Group brand ambassador Irina Kovalevich, we understand the nuances of makeup with an anti-age effect at different ages.

Basic anti-aging makeup tips

Makeup should be done in soft and soft colors. Do not emphasize your lips with bright pink and highlight your cheekbones. Contouring in anti-aging makeup is also contraindicated.

Makeup should make your skin look fresher and lift the lines of your face upward. Before creating makeup, do not forget to moisturize your skin – this will prepare it for cosmetics and make it more nourished. In the end, the way your face looks with or without makeup is primarily the result of high-quality and competent care at any age. 

Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Julia Roberts, 55 years old
Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Cindy Crawford, 57 years old

Remember that anti-aging makeup is not entirely about naturalness: the right accents and soft, light contrasts are important here. All this allows you to get rid of the impression of “fading” skin and create spectacular makeup. Choose only high-quality cosmetics that suit you – a cosmetologist, makeup artist or store consultant can help you with this.

Cosmetics stores often host customer days, during which you have the opportunity to experiment with cosmetics and makeup, as well as choose a basic make-up set for “every day” and for going out.


When choosing a foundation after 40, give preference to a warmer tone – it will make the skin visually fresher. A woman’s real age is often revealed by nasolabial and eyebrow folds that are more pronounced than in young people, which become more pronounced after 50. And this definitely needs to be worked on.

After age 50, the texture of foundation should be as light as possible so as not to create the visual effect of a mask on the face. Here we can advise you to move away from glossy textures and pay attention to a matte finish.

Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Jennifer Lopez, 53 years old
Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Jennifer Aniston, 54 years old

We are accustomed to the fact that powder is the completion of any makeup. Yes, but not anti-aging. This is a product that you shouldn’t get too carried away with in this makeup. Choose a light, fine powder and apply it in the thinnest layer, preferably with a large fluffy brush. If possible, the best solution would be to completely abandon this makeup product.

Be sure to use blush. On women over 60, any shades look good, they highlight the apples of the cheeks that are losing their volume, and also perfectly refresh the face. Blush can be complemented with a small amount of highlighter.

Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Jane Fonda, 85 years old
Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Meryl Streep, 73 years old

An example is Julianne Moore and her chic pastel makeup on the Cannes Film Festival carpet – notice how beautifully her cheekbones and cheeks are highlighted. At the same time, the face is not overloaded with accents. Makeup looks expensive and flawless.

Anti-aging makeup at 40, 50 and 60 years old: the main techniques that definitely need to be repeated
Julianne Moore, 62 years old

In anti-aging makeup 60+, choose a tone that matches your skin color, or half a tone lighter, and never use clear lines – they should be well shaded. Today you can often hear that contouring can solve the problem of a sunken oval face, but matte brown powder on the cheekbones only enhances the impression of “tired” skin.

Eye makeup

Drooping eyelids are a common problem among women over 40 years of age. If you apply more mascara to the outer corners of your eyes and visually highlight them, you will hide the drooping eyelid. Apply a light shadow to the eyelid near the lashes to visually bring it forward. 

If the upper eyelid is overhanging, you can darken the outer corner with brown shades – this will create the desired effect. If we talk about arrows in makeup 40+, short arrows with thickening towards the outer corner of the eye are perfect here. For eyeshadow, apply a light shade to the entire eyelid, and a color a few shades darker to the crease between the eyelids.

Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Eva Green, 42 years old
Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Michelle Williams, 42 years old

A common problem among women over 50 is bags under the eyes, and the easiest way to solve this problem is to use a special concealer before applying foundation. 

The main rule in makeup after 60 is not to use bright black eyeliner. Choose matte shadows in calm tones – light brown, light blue, beige, brown. For eyeliner, use a pencil of the same shades, rather than a black eyeliner marker.

In general, it is better to avoid black in anti-aging makeup. When creating it, your main assistants should be a pencil or shadows. Rebecca Hall sets the perfect example of eye makeup for the looming eyelid. An elegant arrow emphasizes the upper line of the eye, slightly opens it and opens the shape, as if drawing a continuation of the eyelid.

Anti-aging makeup at 40, 50 and 60 years old: the main techniques that definitely need to be repeated
Rebecca Hall, 41


Try to avoid a clear outline and do not fill in the entire eyebrow with a pencil. Give preference to soft lines and a natural shade – to match your hair or a little darker. Bright graphic eyebrows have not been in trend for a long time and few people paint them, but naturalness is the best choice for any makeup.

As a final touch, we recommend using eyebrow pomade, adding a shallow shadow with a light touch of the brush and small strokes imitating hairs, then brushing on a transparent or colored eyebrow gel brush. 

Beautiful eyebrows can change the face and refresh it, which is important at the age of 40+. Here, pay attention to the shade: try not to darken your eyebrows – this will always make your makeup look expensive. Eyebrow color fades with age, so filling in gaps or lighter hairs is a must in any makeup look.

Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Gwyneth Paltrow, 50 years old
Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Halle Berry, 56 years old

Forget about the famous black string eyebrows, especially if we are talking about makeup for people aged 50-60+ – such makeup will not only show age, but will also make you look 20 years on top. Oddly enough, such standards from the past are still very popular to this day. 

Eyebrows that are too thin add age, while thicker and richer eyebrows add vitality. If you draw your eyebrows with a pencil, it should be very soft pressure and the softest line possible, imitating the shadow of the hairs, as well as a shade close to the hair color. 

Eva Longoria made a good choice in favor of slightly bleached eyebrows – look how it immediately “youthful” the face. Eyebrows a shade or even slightly lighter than your hair are a great option. Also, tone-on-tone color will always be in trend, like Isabelle Huppert. 

Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Isabelle Huppert, 70 years old
Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Eva Longoria, 48 years old


In the case of 40+ makeup, an emphasis on the lips always works great – shades of red, pink, peach are suitable here, and you can apply a transparent gloss without pearl on top. A favorable shade will always make the face visually younger.

When making up lips 50+, we advise you not to use large glitter or pearls – they will only emphasize age-related changes and wrinkles on the lips. It is worth choosing deeper tones. Note the bright burgundy colors.

At the age of 50 and 60, lips are already highly susceptible to age-related changes, so you should give preference to moisturizing textures, as matte ones dry out your lips and can get stuck in wrinkles. Don’t forget about lip balms, scrubs and chapsticks.  

Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Gwen Stefani, 53 years old
Антивозрастной макияж в 40, 50 и 60 лет: главные приемы, которые точно нужно повторить
Sandra Bullock, 58 years old

Pay attention to the lip pencil – no clear lines: if you draw an outline, it will be soft, like a shadow, slightly adding volume, but invisible to others. 

Choose the most natural shades for everyday life and deep shades for going out. Try to completely avoid bright pink, orange, lilac, scarlet lipsticks – they don’t always suit very young girls, and look completely ridiculous in anti-aging makeup. Plus, they make the beauty look cheaper overall.

Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu is a perfect example of successful lip makeup. Please note that celebrities often choose makeup in nude tones, even for carpets. The most important thing is to emphasize your strengths and not focus on your shortcomings. 

Anti-aging makeup at 40, 50 and 60 years old: the main techniques that definitely need to be repeated
Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu, 59 years old

Sharon Stone’s always impeccable makeup is also admired – look how well the lipstick color is chosen, which refreshes the face. But with a wet effect, as in the actress’s makeup, it is important to know when to stop and not forget about the most important rule of makeup for any age – one bright accent. 

Neck and décolleté

When creating anti-aging makeup, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area and be sure to take care of these areas. A well-toned face looks awkward in contrast with the white skin of the neck and décolleté.