Stars who were friends but quarreled

Nothing human is alien to them – famous actresses know how to be friends, but they also seem to have mastered the art of quarreling. We talk about the loudest breaks between celebrity friends.

Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian

In the 2000s, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian appeared together at almost all events, passionately hugging in front of the cameras aimed at them. In short, they did everything that best friends are guilty of. 

Stars who were friends but quarreled
Stars who were friends but quarreled

But then the strong alliance began to crack. Perhaps Paris simply couldn’t stand the competition from her best friend. Kardashian appeared on all the covers, moreover, the sexy American with Armenian roots was talked about all over the world, and the “Paris Hilton era” was over. The former secular queen could not tolerate such a loss and urgently liquidated all relations with Kim. True, a few years later, Paris finally thawed out and resumed her relationship with her friend – today Kardashian and Hilton are in close contact again, and the latter even enjoys spending weekends with Kim’s children.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Winona Ryder

Stars who were friends but quarreled

In the late nineties, actresses were inseparable. Not a single party to which actresses were invited was complete without a touching photo shoot, where friends held hands or hugged. But these stars also failed to avoid a disagreement. Despite the fact that the most common cause of quarrels between friends is usually a man with whom both are selflessly in love, this time there was no talk of a fatal handsome man. Gwyneth and Winona could not share the role in the film Shakespeare in Love. According to Ryder, the role was originally intended for her, and her friend treacherously took away not only the opportunity to star in a good movie, but also the coveted Oscar.

Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie

Stars who were friends but quarreled

As time shows, Paris Hilton generally does not get along well with other star girls. This happened with actress Nicole Richie, whom the socialite had known since childhood. In 2005, unexpectedly, ex-girlfriends began to throw mud at each other in almost every interview. The cause of the quarrel was once again competition. True, unlike the story with Kim Kardashian, here Paris herself became a victim of envy. According to the girl, it was she who helped Richie gain fame, and she, in turn, repaid her friend with black ingratitude. 

Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato

Stars who were friends but quarreled

These two stars had a truly warm relationship long before their popularity: the girls supported each other in the most difficult moments, provided all possible assistance in building a stellar career and, most importantly, always found time in their crazy schedule to meet. But, alas, even the strongest relationships between women can collapse. For several years now, the former girlfriends have been practically on the brink of war. The reason for such a sharp change from love to hatred is as old as the world – the stars did not completely divide the earthly man. By the way, little is known about the details of the scandal – who got the unknown prince remains a mystery.

Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow

Stars who were friends but quarreled

For almost ten years, these two amazing women were best friends: they hugged touchingly on camera during celebrity parties and in every possible way demonstrated the most tender attitude towards each other. True, such demonstrative love, it seems, did not benefit the girlfriends at all: in 2010, the union broke up. What was the reason for such a rapid discord in the relationship between the two stars? Everything is very simple. According to Madonna, communication with her Oscar-winning friend became completely impossible after a series of unflattering statements by Gwyneth in the press. In fact, the question of what exactly the former friends did not share still remains a mystery even to their closest circle.

Ken Paves and Jessica Simpson

Stars who were friends but quarreled

Popular Hollywood stylist Ken Paves became famous solely thanks to his celebrity client Jessica Simpson. Once upon a time, friendship with the actress benefited the novice hairdresser – now the most eminent hairdressers will envy his clientele. However, along with obscurity, many years of friendship have sunk into oblivion – former friends avoid each other at parties. And if Jessica Simpson prefers to tactfully remain silent about the true reasons for the discord, then the rising hairdressing star Paves declares: “She doesn’t love anyone but herself. All she talks about is, alas, only men, love and sex.”